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Resin Production & Products Update

Mar 19th 2021

I regret to inform you that Arrmorcast will be temporarily halting production of our resin products. It is not a decision I take lightly, but I have come to the conclusion that it is the best course of action at this time, due to a number of factors. The last year brought a global pandemic, a flood at the workshop, personal illness, and unfortunate physical injury. Pairing those with the additional circumstances such as currently being the sole employee of Armorcast, reduced resin product demand / sales, and my extensive out-of-town work for a museum, it has made it almost impossible to keep up consistent production of the entire Armorcast product line.

Because resin terrain sales have been in general decline over the last five years, coinciding in no small part with rise of affordability, and therefore popularity of FDM printers, I have already been forced to pivot the company's focus to pewter and decal products. These products both sell better, but also have a shorter production schedule, and are more practical for a single employee to remain current with, as far as prompt production and shipping. While the continued production of Armorcast resin products is not presently possible, I am making changes that will allow them to come back to the catalog in the future: I have increased decal production to maintain profitability, resigned my position with the museum to allow me to focus more time on Armorcast, as well as improving workflow and efficiency by rearranging and cleaning up the workshop, and reorganizing molds and masters' library.

As of today, March 18th, 2021 I have decided to temporarily cease further production of resin products for new orders until the necessary improvements can be implemented and I can catch up with existing orders. If you have orders still outstanding for resin products, do not fret, as they will still be fulfilled, and if there are in-stock resin items, they will continue to be available for purchase until stock is depleted. Once the workshop is caught up, I will start adding the most popular resin products back to the catalog, and increasing the number as capacity grows.

I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause for you my friends, but rest assured Armorcast is not gone, but rather just transforming a bit by focusing on the products most in demand, while ensuring that products keep going out in a timely manner after order. I also do have exciting plans for new products to be released in the coming weeks and will continue to bring back more vintage Lance & Laser minis that are in the mold library, so stay tuned for those updates.

Armorcast Ltd.